Publikationen zum Thema Depression und Angst  (Auswahl)

MATUSSEK, N., BENKERT, 0., SCHNEIDER, K., OTTEN, H., POHLMEIER, H. L-DOPA plus decarboxylase inhibitor in depression. Lancet II, 660-661 (1970)

BENKERT, 0., MATUSSEK, N. Influence of hydrocortisone and glucagon on liver tyrosine transaminase and on brain tyrosine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Nature 228, 73-75 (1970)

BENKERT, 0., RENZ , A., MARANO, C , MATUSSEK, N. Altered tyrosine daytime plasma levels in endogenous de­pressive patients. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 25, 359-363 (1971)

BENKERT, 0., RENZ , A., MARANO, C. , MATUSSEK, N. Altered tyrosine daytime plasma levels in endogenous de­pressive patients. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 25, 359-363 (1971)

BENKERT, 0., MARTSCHKE, D., GORDON, A. Comparison of TRH, LH-RH, and placebo in depression.Lancet II, 1146 (1974)

BENKERT, 0., GORDON, A., MARTSCHKE, D. The comparison of thyrotropin releasing hormone, luteinising hormone-releasing hormone and placebo in depressive patients using a double-blind cross-over technique. Psychopharmacologia 40, 191-198 (1974)

VOGEL, H.P., BENKERT, 0., ILLIG, R., MÜLLER-OERLINGHAUSEN , B., POPPENBERG, A. Psychoendocrinological and therapeutic effects of TRH in depression. Acta psychiat. scand. 56, 223-232 (1977)

BENKERT, 0., LAAKMANN, G., OTT, L., STRAUSS, A., ZIMMER, R. Effect of Zimelidine (H 102/09) in depressive patients. Arzneimittel-Forsch. 27, 2421-2423 (1977)

HOLSBOER, F., BENDER, W., BENKERT, 0., KLEIN, H. E., SCHMAUSS, M. Diagnostic and prognostic validity of the dexamethason-suppression test in 102 depressed patients. Lancet II, 706 (1980)

HOLSBOER, F., MÜLLER, 0. A., DOERR, H. G., SIPPEL, W. G., STALLA, G.K., GERKEN, A., STEIGER, A., BOLL, E., BENKERT, 0. ACTH and multisteroid responses to corticotropin-releasing factor in depressive illness: Relaltionship to multisteroid responses after ACTH Stimulation and dexamethasone suppression. Psychoneuroendocrin. 9, 147-160 (1984)

HOLSBOER, F., BENKERT, 0., MEIER, L., KREUZ-KERSTING, A.: Combined estradiol and vitamin B6 treatment in women with major depression. Am. J. Psych. 142, 658 (1985) (short communication)

MAIER, W., BULLER, R., RIEGER, H., BENKERT, 0. The cardiac anxiety syndrome – a subtype of panic attacks. Eur. Arch. Psychiatr. Neurol. Sci. 235, 146-152 (1985)

PHILIPP, M-, MAIER, W., BENKERT, 0. Operational diagnosis of endogenous depression. Comparison of 8 different operational diagnoses. Psychopathology 18, 218-225 (1985)

BULLER, R., MAIER, W., BENKERT, 0. Clinical subtypes in panic disorder: their descriptive and prospective validity. J. Affect. Dis. 11, 105-114 (1986)

WETZEL, H., HEUSER, I., BENKERT, 0. Stupor and affective state: Alleviation of psychomotor disturbances by Lorazepam and recurrence of Symptoms after Ro 15-1788. J. Ment. Nerv. Dis., 175, 240-242 (1987)

BULLER, R., V .BARDELEBEN , U., MAIER, W., BENKERT, 0. Specificity of lactate response in panic disorder, panic with concurrent depression and major depression. J. aff. Dis. 16, 109-113 (1989)

MAIER, W., PHILIPP, M., SCHLEGEL, S., HEUSER, I., WIEDEMANN, K., BENKERT, 0. Diagnostic determinants for the response to antidepressant treatment with tricyclics: a polydiagnostic approach. Psychiat. Res. 30, 83-93 (1989)

BULLER, R., BENKERT, 0. Panikattacken und Panikstörung; Diagnose, Validierung und Therapie . Nervenarzt 61, 647-657 (1990)

BULLER, R., MAIER W., GOLDENBERG, I.M., LAVORI , P.W., BENKERT, 0. Chronology of panic and avoidance, age of onset in panic disorder, and prediction of treatment response. Eur. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 240, 163-168 (1991)

WINTER, P, PHILIPP, M., BULLER, R., DELMO, C.D., SCHWARZE, H ., BENKERT , 0. Identification of minor affective disorders and implications for psychopharmacotherapy . J. Aff. Dis. 22, 125-133 (1991)

MAIER, W., SIR ROTH, M., ARGYLE, N., BULLER, R., LAVORI , P., BRANDON, S., BENKERT, 0. Avoidance behaviour: a predictor of the efficacy of pharma-cotherapie in panic disorder? Eur. Arch. Psych. Clin Neurosci. 241, 151-158 (1991)

PHILIPP, M., BULLER, R., DELMO, C, MAIER, W., SCHWARZE, H., WINTER, P., BENKERT, 0. Differentiation between major and minor depression. Psychopharmacol . 106, S75-S78 (1992)

FROMMBERGER, U., HÜRTH-SCHMIDT, S., DIERINGER, H., TETTEN-BORN, B., BÜLLER, R., BENKERT, 0. Panikstörung und Schwindel. Zur psychopathologischen Diffe renzierung zwischen neurologischer und psychiatrischer Erkrankung . Nervenarzt 64, 377-383 (1993)

BENKERT, 0., WETZEL, H., SZEGEDI, A. Serotonin dysfunction syndromes: a functional connnon denominator for classification of depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intern. Clin. Psychopharmacol. 8, 3-14 (1993)

MAIER, W., LICHTERMANN, D., MINGES, J./ HALLMAYER, J., HEUN, R., BENKERT, 0. Continuity and discontinuity of affective disorders and schizophrenia: Results of a controlled family study. Arch. Gen. Psych. 50, 871-883 (1993)

MAIER, W., HERR, R., GÄNSICKE, M., LICHTERMANN, D., HOÜSHANGPOÜR, K., BENKERT, 0. Recurrent brief depression in general practice: Clinical features, comorbidity with other disorders, and need for treatment. Eur. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 244, 196-204 (1994)

MAIER, W., HERR, R., LICHTERMANN, D., GÄNSICKE, M., BENKERT, 0., FAUST, G. Brief depression among patients in general practice: Pre-valence and Variation by recurrence and severity. Eur. Arch. Psychiat. Clin. Neurosci. 244/ 190-195 (1994)

CASSANO, G. B., TONI, C., PETRACCA, A., DELTITO, J. ,BENKERT, 0., CURTIS, G., HIPPIUS, H., MAIER, W., SHERA, D., KLERMAN, G. Adverse effects associated with the short-term pharmacological treatment of panic disorder. Europ. Neuropsychopharm . 4, 47-53 (1994)

BENKERT, 0., SZEGEDI ., WETZEL, H. Minimum effective dose for antidepressants – an obligatory requirement for antidepressant drug evaluation? Int. Clin. Psychopharm. 11, 177-185 (1996)

BENKERT, 0., GRÜNDER, G., WETZEL, H., HACKETT, D. A randomized, double-blind comparison of a rapidly esca-lating dose of venlafaxine and imipramine in inpatients with major depression and melancholia. J. Psychiatr. Res . 30, 441-451 (1996)

BENKERT, 0., GRAF-MORGENSTERN, M., HILLERT, A., SANDMANN, J. EHMIG, S.C., WEISBECKER, H., KEPPLINGER, H.M., SOBOTA, K. Public opinion on psychotropic drugs : An analysis of the factors influencing acceptance or rejection. J. Nervous and Mental Dis., 185, 151-158 (1997)

BENKERT, 0., SZEGEDI, A., WETZEL, H., STAAB, . H.J., MEISTER, W., PHILIPP, M. Dose escalation vs . continued doses of paroxetine and maprotiline: a prospective study in depressed outpatients with insufficient treatment response. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 95, 288-296 (1997)

SZEGEDI, A., WETZEL, H., ANGERSBACH, D., DUNBAR, G.C., SCHWARZE, H., PHILIPP, M., BENKERT, 0. A Double-blind study comparing paroxetine and maprotiline in depressed outpatients . Pharmacopsychiatry 30, 97-105 (1997)

SZEGEDI, A., WETZEL, H., ANGERSBACH, D-, PHILIPP, M., BENKERT , 0. Response to treatment in minor and major depression: results of a double-blind comparative study with paroxetine and maprotiline . J Affect Disord 45, 167-178 (1997)

SANDMANN, J., LÖRCH, B., BARDELOW, B., HÄRTTER, S., WINTER, P., HIEMKE, C., BENKERT, 0. Fluvoxamine or placebo in the treatment of panic disorder and relationship to blood concentrations of fluvoxamine. Pharmacopsychiatry 31, 117-121 (1998)

LÖRCH, B., GRAF-MORGENSTERN, M., HAUTZINGER, M., SCHLEGEL, S., HAIN, Ch., SANDMANN, J., BENKERT, 0. Randomised placebo-controlled trial of mociobemide, cognitive-behavioural therapy and their combination in panic disorder with agoraphobia. Brit. J. Psychiatry 174, 205-212 (1999)

MÜLLER, M.J., MARX-DANNIGKEIT, P., SCHLÖSSER, R., WETZEL, H., ADDINGTON, D., BENKERT, 0.The Calgary depression rating scale for schizophrenia: development and interrater reliability of a german Version (CDSS-G) J Psychiatr Res 33, pp 433-443 (1999)

LINDEN, M., LECRUBIER, Y. , BELLANTUONO, C., BENKERT, 0. The prescribing of psychotropic drugs by primary care physicians: an international collaborative study. J. Clin. Psychopharmacol . 19, 132-140 (1999)

LÖRCH B, SZEGEDI A, KOHNEN R, BENKERT 0, The primary care evaluation of mental disorders (prime-MD) , german version: a comparison with the CIDI , J Psychiatr Res 34, 211-220 (2000)

BENKERT 0, SZEGEDI A, KOHNEN R, Mirtazapine compared with paroxetine in major depression, J Clin Psych 61, 656-663 (2000)

MÜLLER M J, SZEGEDI A, WETZEL H, BENKERT 0, Moderate and severe depression gradations for the Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale, J Affect Disord 60, 137-140 (2000)

SZEGEDI A, MÜLLER M J, ANGHELESCU I, KLAWE C, KOHNEN R, BENKERT O, Early improvement under mirtazapine and paroxetine predicts later stable response and remission with high sensitivity in patients with major depression, J Clin Psychiatry 64, 413-412 (2003)

BENKERT 0, SZEGEDI A, PHILIPP M, KOHNEN R; HEINRICH C, HEUKELS A, VEGTE-SENDEN M, BAKER R A, SIMMONS JH, SCHUTTE AJ, Mirtazapine orally disintegrating tablets versus venlafaxine extended release: a double-blind, randomized multicenter trial comparing the onset of antidepressant response in patients with major depressive disorder, J Clin Psychopharmacol. 26,75-78 (2006)

REGEN F, BENKERT 0, Praxis der Monotherapie mit Antidepressiva in der Behandlung der Depression, in: Therapie der Depression, Konrad C. (Hrsg.) 2016, 159-186

MÜLLER MJ, BENKERT 0, Psychopharmakologisches Grundwissen, in: Handbuch psychiatrisches Grundwissen für die Seelsorge, 175-202, Herder Verlag 2018

Publikationen zum Thema Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen

BENKERT, 0., CROMBACH, G., KOCKOTT, G.Effect of L-DOPA on sexually impotent patients. Psychopharmacol. 23, 91-95 (1972)

BENKERT, 0. Wirkung von Serotonin- Antagonisten bei sexueller Impotenz. Pharmakopsychiat. 6, 218-223 (1973)

BENKERT, 0., JORDAN, R., DAHLEN, H.G. , SCHNEIDER, H.P.G. , GAMMEL, G. Sexual impotence: a double-blind study of LHRH nasal spray versus placebo. Neuropsychobiol . l, 203-210 (1975)

BENKERT, 0., HÖRN, K., PICKARDT, C.R. , SCHMID, D. Sexual impotence: studies of the hypothalamo-pituitary-axis and the therapeutic effect of oral thyrotropin releasing hormone . Arch. Sex. Behavior 5, 275-281 (1976)

BENKERT, 0., BENDER, M., BIDLINGMAIER, F., BUTENANDT, 0. Effect of p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) on pituitary hormones and testosterone in the human. Arzneimittel- Forsch. 26, 1369-1371 (1976)

BENKERT, 0., WITT, W., ADAM, W., LEITZ, A. Effects of testosterone undecanoate on sexual potency and the hypothalamic pituitary-gonadal axis of impotent males. Arch. Sex. Beh. 6, 471-479 (1979)

BENKERT, 0., MAIER, W., HOLSBOER, F. Multiaxial classification of male sexual dysfunction. Brit. J. Psychiat. 146, 628-632 (1985)

STEIGER, A., BENKERT, 0., WÖHRMANN, S., STEINSEIFER, D., HOLSBOER, F.Effects of trimipramine on sIeep-EEG, penile tumescence and nocturnal hormonal secretion. Neuropsychobiol . 21, 71-75 (1989)

KRAUSE J , HERTH T, MAIER W, STEIGER A., SCHÖNEICH S ., BENKERT O, An interdisciplinary study towards a multiaxial classification of male sexual dysfunction. Acta Psych. Scand. 84, 130-136 (1991)

MÜLLER M J, BENKERT O, Lower self-reported depression in patients with erectile dysfunction after treatment with sildenafil, J Affect Disord. 66, 255-261 (2001)

MANN K, PANKOK J, LEISSNER J, BENKERT O, Effects of moclobemidee on sexual performance and nocturnal erections on psychogenic erectile dysfunction. Psychopharmacology, 156, 86-91 (2001)

MÜLLER M J, RUOF J, GRAF-MORGENSTERN M, PORST H, BENKERT O, Qualilty of partnership in patients with erectile dysfunction after sildenafile treatment, Pharmakopsychiatry, 34, 91-95 (2001)

Frühere Buchveröffentlichungen

BENKERT O. Sexuelle Impotenz.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1977

BENKERT, 0., MAIER, W., RICKELS, K. (ed) Methodology of the Evaluation of Psycotropic Drugs.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1990

BENKERT, 0., GORSEN, P., (Hrsg.) Von Chaos und Ordnung der Seele – ein interdisziplinärer Dialog über Psychiatrie und moderne Kunst.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1990

BENKERT, 0., KUPFER, D. J. Recent Developments in Clinical Psychopharmacology, Section II (BENKERT, 0., KUPFER, D.J., Section-Editors) In: International Review of Psychiatry. (COSTA e SILVA, J., Nadelson, C.C., ed.) pp. 135-348
Washington: American Psychiatrie Press, Inc. 1993

Benkert, O, StressDepression, München: Verlag C.H. Beck 2009, 2. Auflage

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